Established in January 1983, by a small group of franchisees headed by Bill McDermott, Loretta Miller, Richard Orzano, Dominick Manzo and John Casale and founded on democratic principles this association is dedicated to the protection, development, advancement and improvement of the franchisee community in markets 2421, 2422, 2423, 2424 and 2425. 

The strength of this organization lies in its ability to promote, protect and advance the collective interests of its members…something no single member or any corporate advisory group can achieve.  This partnership can create a better understanding between members and those with whom it deals.

UFOLI logo
The main purpose of this association is to address and solve problems that face franchisees.  Our objective is for all parties to work together, harmoniously…however challenging that may seem to be.  We will work tirelessly to create a dialog with our franchisor to resolve difficulties affecting franchisees, locally as well as, nationally.

UFOLI is the most effective means of advancing the shared interests of 7-Eleven franchisees, locally. No more factual or truer words were enumerated when former National Coalition Chairman, Ted Poggi, once stated, “No single franchisee can achieve what many franchisees, united can accomplish”.

If you are not a member of this association and would like to join us,  visit the UFOLI Membership page.




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